What I'm Doing Now

I'm currently taking the summer for research, writing, and other projects. I am taking time during this break to draft a manuscript about historiograpies of techne as emergent from a corpus derived from 1990s Rhetoric and Composition field journals. My goal is to have a manuscript submitted for review by the end of the summer. I am also working on revisions to an accepted co-written chapter, working on feedback from reviewers and preparing materials for my co-author.

I am also using time this summer for some additional projects, including re-familiarizing myself with Python for research that I'd like to do. So far it has gone fairly well, but I'm currently grappling with "Try" and "Except" loops and struggling a bit with the logic. It's something that I'll have to spend a bit more time with, but I'll get there.

I'm also catching up on work as the co-archivist and historian for the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition. I'm working through materials, including video recordings of coalition sponsored events. I'm also working on a workflow document to help navigate the archival materials.

Additionally, I have been working to prepare for the fall semester. I have a new opportunity as the Sigma Tau Delta faculty advisor to work with honors students in a new capacity. This will include a once-a-week honors forum in the fall. I'll be taking time later this summer to revise course materials for my fall classes, taking feedback from the last academic year to inform those revisions.

I've also started training for the fall Bowling Green Half Marathon, which I'm looking forward to running again this year.

Fall Classes

ENG 100E - Introduction to college writing. Focuses on literacy, writing, and process. This section includes a lab for additional writing work and support.

ENG 300 - Writing in the Disciplines: A research and writing class utilizing a teaching-for-transfer approach to college writing. Students interrogate their discourse communities, perform relevant research, and respond in relevant genres. Additionally, I am teaching a special section for students in making and design disciplines.